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Kamis, 15 September 2011

At first the origin of Mount Tambora erupts

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The story stems from a Sheikh Said Idrus, who came from Bengkulu, he came aboard the Bugis people, came to the kingdom of Tambora to trade. So there is a Sheikh Said Idrus go inland, into the kingdom of Tambora for a walk while seeing the state of the country until noon, then he entered the mosque to perform prayer (prayer) noon, then in the mosque is there a Dog, the Sheikh Said Idrus told people to repel the dog and hit it. Then the person in charge to keep the dog is angry, then he said, that the dog had belonged to the King. Sheikh Said said, "This dog Master anybody, because this is the Mosque, Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala Houses of worship that must remain sacred, so whoever put the dog into the mosque he is Kafir". Then the person in charge of keeping the dog is going to complain to the King of Tambora, he reports to the King, saying "there is an Arab Sheikh Tambora people say we are infidels said, because he saw a dog in a mosque".

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Muna tradition in the village of Tembe Ngoli Naru Bima City

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Tembe ngoli a typical Gloves Bima society at large, because Tembe ngoli has the hallmark of its usage and how to make it. Nothing isitimewa of making ngoli Tembe, tools (woven) for production is still the same as Lombok and Sumbawa. However, having a very high cultural values ​​and rooted in the successor generation maker Ngoli Tembe (typical sarong Bima).
Kampung Naru Dompu Raba village is just as common as other villages are located in the town of Bima, but in the village of Naru is the value of maintaining their culture is very strong and survive being eaten by the day. Muna tradition Ngoli Tembe (weaving sarong) is still maintained by them until ana their grandchildren, along the river at Kampung naru were made ​​by residents as a place to create a distinctive woven sarongs Bima (Tembe ngoli).

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

With various natural Donggo Legend

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Donggo is a village located in the mountains west Soromandi Bima city with an altitude of 1200 Meters, Donggo have the privilege of another village located in the Bima namely various kinds of folk legends and places of heritage in Donggo, one of the famous folk legend namely the story of Princess La Hila.
La Hila is the name of the son of the king's beautiful daughter Donggo yore, La Hila have long hair 7 pieces of bamboo and gorgeous looks very tempting to see the Kings, the legendary scene from La Hila that she was buried alive because he did not want to accept applications from one of the King of Bima, after the tomb was opened was the body of La Hila had been missing, until now people believe that La Hila Donggo often manifest themselves in the form of beautiful women.